Been a while..

Yes, its been a while since I blogged. I am guilty of the all too common sin of slovenliness towards my blog. After months of not posting, I return, the prodigal daughter wondering if people will ever forgive me.

What have I been upto you ask? Well, a new job, relocation to a new city, Heck a new country, and newer obsessions have eaten up my all too precious time.

I’m back however, and hope to entertain, inspire and re-kindle the imaginations of my readers (my precious few!)

Till the next post. Take care.Lots of Love…

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3 Responses to Been a while..

  1. Jason says:

    Missed you!!! Get back to blogging fast!!!

  2. Oh wow! thank you so much for that!! HUGS šŸ™‚

  3. Anonymous Follower says:

    Glad your back and Merry X’mas

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